The fact that no one really knows what’s going on is both empowering and terrifying. Let that sink in. There’s no perfect guidebook for how you “should” be, and no roadmap to follow for success. Sure, you might see people make grand declarations of how they’re going to change, step into a new life, or start a 30-day challenge to revamp their habits. Heck, I’ve done it myself. But you know what? What if it didn’t have to be that complicated? What if you just started?
I’ve realized that success often comes from stacking small habits—things like getting in your pushups, your squats, and that mile run. You might even hear a voice in your head saying, “But why bother? What’s the point?” The truth is, the real point is just doing it because you said you would. Following through creates momentum and quiets the noise.
There’s a part of you that might perceive this challenge as dangerous. You might feel resistance, fear, or even something bigger—the sense that stepping into this new version of yourself is terrifying. But let’s be real: the fear isn’t some life-or-death situation. It’s just your brain trying to protect you from the unknown.
The real magic happens when you acknowledge that fear and say, “Thank you for protecting me, but I’m moving forward anyway.” That’s where the growth is. That’s how you stop living in the story of why you can’t do something and start showing yourself what you’re capable of.
Yes, it’s scary to move out of your comfort zone. Yes, it’s overwhelming to think about all the ways it could go wrong. But, I promise you, when you push through and express the full spectrum of who you are—whether it’s through dance, song, movement, or just living your truth—you will find a richer, more fulfilling life.
You’ll discover that the boundaries you thought were real were just illusions. What used to feel impossible will suddenly become easy. That’s because fear is always trying to shrink your world, but your vision, your dream, your potential, is bigger.
For me, the dream is to create a space—a community even—where people like you can live fully, supported, and safe. A place where we’re all allowed to cry, scream, laugh, and move together. This isn’t just about the external goals, like buying a house or building a community farm, though those are important. It’s about moving toward the future you deserve, the future that’s waiting for you once you decide to step into your power.
I get it. It’s scary. But if I can do it, so can you. The first step is simple: start. Let go of the part of you that’s more worried about looking good than it is about being alive. Imagine the happiness that future you will feel, knowing that you took this leap.
Remember: you are capable, you are courageous, and you are ready. The time to ease suffering—your own and others’—is now. Welcome to your new life.
Thank you. You’re welcome.